Okay, so I know that it is only February, but am I the only that can already hear the galloping of horses and the crack of a whip? With this ever present thought racing in the back of my mind… no pun intended, I always find myself questioning how I can better prepare myself for the derby in advance. I devised a short list of five “must do’s,” that I always execute during the off season of the derbies. Now, you may feel as though these seem pretty basic and obvious, but we can all admit that we’ve experienced a derby where our appearance was indicative of our procrastination. That said, do you and everyone else a favor by reading these five tips to get race day ready!
Tip number one, find a muse! It is simple to merely copy a stunning look that you’ve seen during the last race or even resurrect one of your personal ensembles that you’ve already worn in years past. I implore each of you to ditch the aforementioned cases and strive to be totally organic in your decision making for your derby look! I find that the easiest way to do so is by collecting a variety of things that inspire me both derby related and non-related. I collect all of it together and put into a mood bored. You can do this the old-fashion way with a literal cork board and images found from the internet or magazines. I recommend including tangible materials as well such as, fabric swatches, flowers, jewelry, or anything else that inspires you. Now, if you are feeling like the average millennial and want to create a digital rendition of your mood board, by all means do so. There are a variety of applications that you can download to assist you. I recommend “PicCollage.”
Tip two, going on a quest for the perfect dress! The best advice I can give for this is slow and steady. Do not overwhelm yourself with copious options all in one day. Instead, make it an experience. Go to the mall/ boutiques more than once. Again, focus on getting inspired and cultivating the perfect look. Prudent words of wisdom for finding the perfect dress are, to let it find you. Do not force it, considering the fact that you took the time to create a mood board, you are already subconsciously aware of what you truly want to wear. Also, when you find the dress, or should I say, when it finds you; do not begrudge yourself of it regardless of whatever justification you concoct. Buy the piece and be proud of your decision!
Tip three, make an appointment with your milliner. If feasible, do not simply show them your dress. Include them in your creative process, share with them your mood board and vision. This will allow for executing a look that is cohesive and in alignment with what you truly desire. Do not be afraid to pick the milliner’s brain for ideas and inquiry as to what they think would be best. Collaborate to make the perfect piece of head-wear!
Tip four, schedule an appointment with your tailor/ seamstress. Obviously, this is the opportunity for you to make alterations to the dress for optimal fit. I suggest taking things a step forward and asking them if they think the dress could be elevated in anyway. Based off of their suggestions and your level of confidence in their work, you can choose whether or not you would like to proceed.
Tip five, accessorize! In my own personal opinion, your accessories can either make or break the entire look. I also believe that accessories are a great way to incorporate a sense of personality and fun into your ensemble. Select a stunning pair of shoes, the perfect jewelry, and the chicest bag to complete your look. Do not be afraid to select pieces that compliment your ensemble as opposed to being all “matchy-matchy.” Rather, think of pieces that will highlight and accentuate your favorite detail in your dress or hat.
I hope that these tips find you well and that they aid in your pre-race routine! Feel free to comment below with further inquiries or specific topics that you would like me to cover. Thanks for reading and Carpe Diem!