Fashion at the Races is the leader when it comes to enticing Americans back to the excitement of horse racing. Framed by the amazing fashions that influence enthusiasts from around the globe, Fashion at the Races believes everyone should witness the speed and the beauty of the horses while mingling with the society that can only be found at the track. It’s time for a whole new generation of spectators to enjoy the magic

Zoya Egan, Editor

“Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

This is the philosophy that energizes Zoya in everything she does. A passionate follower of both fashion and racing, Zoya founded Zoya Egan Millinery to bring those quality details to the forefront. She perfected her craft under the eye of influencers and instructors from all over the world. Zoya believes that “hats aren’t an afterthought – they can make or break a look – and this is what makes them such an integral part of racing fashion.” Fashion is in Zoya’s blood. Her mother was a renowned private seamstress in her native Russia. Zoya learned the craft of sewing and design from her mother, who also instilled in her a passion for elegance and timeless fashion.