Be comfortable-no one looks good in “someone else’s” clothes or shoes
Leave the night club dress at home. Think classic and feminine when putting together you race outfit
Wear headwear! Hats and Fascinators are very fashionable and take any outfit from pretty to STUNNING!
Dress for the weather–if it’s hot– don’t risk “pitting out”–chilly? Wear stockings or a shawl/sweater.
Lastly, SMILE. Too many times girls are too busy giving the b**** look to each other–and it’s never flattering.
Shine your shoes before you arrive. Girls do pay attention to this. (Obviously NO SNEAKERS)
Tie your tie or bowtie correctly–need help? Check out this link: http://www.tie-a-tie.net/
Make sure your suit fits. It’s so easy to recognize when your suit isn’t fitted. Spend the extra and Get R Done!
Sunglasses…great for outside…UNNECCESARY INSIDE. Take them off or look like the tool—your choice
Smell good (PLEASE!) We are all attracted to good smells…don’t find yourself in the other category.